Friday 16 October 2015

The 90 second film final idea.

We were placed into groups and had to decide on what idea we wanted to go with after we put our three previous ideas together. This allowed us to have options for what we wanted to do, but also discuss and change what we wanted to do, if we didn't like any of the ideas.
One of our ideas was "Patient Zero". This idea was that someone became ill due to their surroundings, and started a zombie apocalypse. This would be very difficult to achieve, with all of the music, and the amount of people required to show that it was a apocalypse, instead of a small contained outbreak.
Another of our ideas was the "Dream World", where someone goes to sleep, and they have odd dreams which would be funny to view. The problem with this would be that we don't have major editing skills, so we would struggle to make it how it would need to be, as well as there isn't an idyllic location around that we could use.

Our final idea, and the one that we are going along with, is two people racing around, with an element of surprise. This would be easy to do, as we could do it around the college, and it doesn't require much resources, as we won't be actually using cars.

"The Race", as we plan to call it (Not Finalized), will be filmed around the college, as two students race around on office chairs, racing each other to the finish line, and being pushed along by some other students. During this piece, we are going to have a duck as a reward, and what the students are racing for.

We are going to be filming two starts. One is going to give a little back story, with two people having a feud, and then deciding to race to sort it out. The other is going to be a blank screen at the start, with some music coming in, before it changes to the start of the race, and they race begins.
The blank screen start is going to have motion shots, showing off the two people putting on some sunglasses, as well as making it look like a proper race, before it then pans out and you see that it is two office chairs that are going around college.
The argument start is going to have them argue, because whipping on some sunglasses in an exaggerated manner, before then getting two steering wheels, while two people push chairs under them, and start the race.
The reason that we are filming two to see which one will fit best with the rest of the scenes, instead of one being off and not working with the rest of the film.

The race is going to go around the college campus, and there is going to be multiple corners that they are going round, and one corner where one of the racers spins out of at a corner, and goes through some boxes, before trying to get back onto the chair, and continuing the race.
When they are close to the finish line, they are basically side by side, before one of them manages to get a head start, and crosses the line first, and runs to get the duck.
Once the person grabs the duck, he gets down on one knee, and holds it up in the air, showing the world it's glory. During this scene, a ray of light comes down onto the duck, ending the short film.

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