Tuesday 12 April 2016

TV Advert Pre-production work.

Pre-production work:

Shot List:

This document contains a table of shots that will be in our TV Advert for PG tips. Each shot has a description box explaining what is happening in that shot, along with what type of music will be played for that shot. This will go on to later produce the storyboard.


The storyboard is a document that is used to give a visual representation of what the advert is going to be like. It will include pictures, along with a little description of what is in the scene, and any dialogue spoken.

Location Recce:

The location recce is a scout form that gives information about what a potential film set is like.

Location Release:

Once we had scouted out the set that we wanted to use (in this case, the staff room), we had to get permission in order to film there, and we did this by going to the caretaker, who is the one that is in charge of the area, and asked for his permission.

Actor Releases:

Actor releases are documents that give permission for the actor to be part of the film. In our case, they were minor releases, as the actors involved were under 16. This meant that it required the signature of their parent in order for them to be allowed in the video.
 Two of our members did not complete their minor releases, so they have no been added to this blog post.


This document gives information on the expenses of the film. We didn't have any travelling cost as it was filmed within college, however, the props that we used cost some money, which was noted on the document.

Risk Assessment:

The risk assessment is a document that aims to look at all the hazards that could be a problem whilst filming, and make notes of solutions/precautions that can be taken before, and during filming to prevent them.

Because we stayed on site and used no props that would be a cause for concern to the public, we didn't have to email the police about what we were filming.

Production Schedule:

In order to keep things organised and have knowledge of what we were doing each day, we had to make a productions schedule, that would list what was going on each day, who was needed and what props were required. It also specified dates for each stage.

Equipment List:

We compiled a list of all of the equipment that we would need for the advert, so that we knew what we needed to get. 

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